Episode4 Puzzle1

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Episode 4 : Puzzle 1

Puzzle: Book of the Dead
Reference: Clue1
Current Status: Solved
Source: Pop-up Blog


March 1st 2010.
The Pop-up background is a depiction of Anubis carrying out the ritual 'the weighing of the heart', and links with The Book of the Dead. Within the book, there is a passage about rebirth.

The Blog shows the same picture from a different Book of the Dead, with some info on the ritual.

The Pop-up asks us for 'Yesterday' and 'Tomorrow'

SOLUTIONS (spoiler)

Step 1 / Conclusion

The passage within the Book of the Dead is translated as;

"I own Yesterday, I know Tomorrow.”

Yesterday is Osiris and night; Tomorrow is Ra and day, the day when the enemies of Osiris were annihilated and his son Horus became king. This became the date of the “Though-Dead-Yet-I-Live” festival, which commemorates the burial of Osiris by his father Ra.

Using 'Osiris' as Yesterday and 'Ra' as Tomorrow provides the following letter from Beatrix to Harley.

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