Letter AmtIX

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Letter 'AmtIX'

Letter written by Beatrix November 1587. Discovered via Ep4 Puzzle1


Beatrix talks about her childhood friendship with Harley and her mental illness problems, specifically her historical memories and dreams. Here we get the first mention of the 'Dreamlands' and Beatrix's belief in them and her ability to walk in them.

She talks of her association with the Barbizon Group and how they helped her remember her past dreams, and how as the body on Earth ages, the link with the Dreamlands is forgotten until the day of Earthly death once more creates a passage back to the Dreamlands.

In this letter she reveals to Harley that she intends to kill herself to allow her return back to the Dreamlands. She promises to use a way of communicating from the Dreamlands explained to her by one of the Barbizon Group.

The letter carries a German SS stamp, fully shown below, as well as faint lines as detailed in The Map.


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